Charles Mills (If...)

"… but in any case the general purpose of the Contract is always the differential provileging of the whites as a group with respect to the nonwhites as a group, the exploitation of their bodies, land, and resources, and the denial of equal socioeconomic opportunities to them. All whites are beneficiaries of the Contract, though some whites are not signatories to it."

-The Racial Contract, pg. 11




If you can't see how you benefit from racism
Open your eyes 

If you can't hear how what you said was racist
Listen again 

If you don't understand how you benefit from racism
Read a book 

If you don't know why that is hurtful
Put yourself in their shoes 

If you can't feel their insensitive
Open your heart 

If we listened more than talked
Perhaps we would understand more 

If we empathized more than accused
Perhaps we would be there for each other 

If we hungout with those different than ourselves
Ourselves would be more our than selves 

If we engage more than stay silent or run
We could make a difference 

If we build it together
We can right many wrongs 

If, if, if… do!